Wednesday 29 February 2012


 Baadhi ya miili ya marehemu ikiwekwa katika gari ya polisi

Taarifa tulizozipata hivi punde zinasema  watu kadhaa wamefariki dunia baada ya basi la Zacharia kugongana na Gari ndogo aina ya Noah. Chanzo chetu kinaendelea kutafuta undani wa tukio hilo na taarifa zaidi zitawajia pindi tutakapokuwa tumethibisha.
Soma zaidi


  Spika Anne Makinda
Chanzo: Francis Godwin Mzee wa Matukio Daima
ZIKIWA zimepita siku chache toka mbunge wa jimbo la Njombe kusini Anne Makinda ambaye ni spika wa bunge kutangaza kutogombea ubunge tena katika uchaguzi mkuu mwaka 2015,mtandao huu wa waibuka na siri nzito za mbunge huyo kuiogopa nafasi hiyo tena.

Baadhi ya wana CCM na mbunge wa jimbo la Iringa mjini Mchungaji Peter Msigwa(Chadema) wameanika siri hiyo ya Makinda kutangazwa kuto gombea kuwa ni kutokana na kuogopa kuja kung'olewa kwa aibu katika nafasi hiyo kutokana na uwezo wake mdogo wa kuwatumikia wapiga kura wake .

Huku wana chama wa CCM wa jimbo la Njombe kusini wakidai kuwa Makinda walianza kumchoka kutokana na kushindwa kufanya mambo ya kimaendeleo katika jimbo hilo na hivyo kusababisha jimbo hilo kuwa ngome ya chama cha Demokrasia na maendeleo (CHADEMA).


Anika alivyoshiriki katika mchakato kipindi akiwa waziri mambo ya nje, Asema alikutana na mama mwenye nyumba na kuagiza alipwe dola milioni moja haraka, Akampa ofa kuja mbuga ya ngorongoro

Na Tausi Ally

Aliyekuwa Balozi wa Tanzania nchini Italia, 
Profesa Costa Mahalu

ALIYEKUWA Balozi wa Tanzania nchini Italia, Profesa Costa Mahalu ameiambia Mahakama ya Hakimu Mkazi Kisutu kuwa Rais Jakaya Kikwete wakati akiwa Waziri wa Mambo ya Nje na Ushirikiano wa Kimataifa, alifahamu kuwepo kwa rasimu mbili za mikataba ya ununuzi wa jengo la Ubalozi wa Tanzania, Italia.

Profesa Mahalu alisema hayo jana mbele ya Hakimu Mfawidhi, Ilvin Mgeta wakati akitoa utetezi wake dhidi ya kesi inayomkabili ya uhujumu uchumi na kuisababishia Serikali hasara ya Euro 2,065,827.60 pamoja na aliyekuwa Ofisa Utawala wa ubalozi huo, Grace Martin.

Akiongozwa na wakili wake, Mabere Marando, Profesa Mahalu aliitambua barua ya Februari 20, 2002 ambayo ilikuwa ikieleza kuwa matayarisho yote ya ununuzi wa jengo la ubalozi huko Italia yamekamilika ikiwa ni pamoja na rasimu mbili za mikataba.

Mahalu alidai kuwa katika mchakato wa ununuzi wa jengo hilo wakati yeye akiwa Balozi chini ya Wizara ya Mambo ya Nje na Ushirikiano wa Kimataifa, kulikuwa na rasimu mbili za mikataba na kwamba aliwahi kuwasiliana na wizara hiyo juu ya mikataba hiyo.

Alidai kuwa Desemba 2001, Kikwete wakati huo akiwa Waziri wa Mambo ya Nje na Ushirikiano wa Kimataifa alikwenda Rome, Italia kwenye Mkutano wa SADC na alipokuwa huko, ubalozi ulifanya mpango atembelee jengo hilo lililopendekezwa kununuliwa kwa ajili ya ofisi ya ubalozi.

“Wizara ya Mambo ya Nje ya Italia ilifanya mipango yote kwa kumpa utaratibu na usalama Kikwete ambapo alikwenda kutembelea jengo hilo na kukutana na mama mwenye jengo,” alidai Profesa Mahalu.

Monday 27 February 2012


2012 Canon Collins Educational Trust Scholarship for Postgraduate Students from Southern Africans, UK
Scholarship for Postgraduate Students from Angola, Botswana, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland, Zambia, Zimbabwe to study in UK.. [Read Full Scholarship Detail]

2012-2013 ASEAN Business Advisory Council (ASEAN-BAC) Scholarship, Vietnam
Undergraduate Scholarship for the applicants of ASEAN countries at Tan Tao University, 2012/13 Vietnam Study Subject(s):Various Course Level:Undergraduate Scholarship Provider:.. [Read Full Scholarship Detail]

CGS Interantional Scholarships for Doctoral Program at University of Cologne, 2012 Germany
The Cologne Graduate School in Management, Economics, and Social Sciences (CGS), University of Cologne offers doctoral Scholarship to outstanding students,.. [Read Full Scholarship Detail]

Scotland’s Saltire Scholarships for Canadian, Chinese, Indian and US Citizens, 2012 Scotland
Undergraduate, Masters or PhD Scholarships at any of Scotland’s higher education institutions for the  citizens of Canada, China, India and.. [Read Full Scholarship Detail]

Saturday 25 February 2012


Rais mstaafu wa Afrika Kusini, Nelson Mandela, amepelekwa hospitali.
Taarifa rasmi imesema kwamba Bwana Mandela, mwenye umri wa miaka 93, amekuwa na tatizo la tumbo kwa muda mrefu, ambalo linahitaji kushughulikiwa na matabibu.
Kuna ripoti kuwa amepasuliwa.
Msemaji wa rais alieleza kuwa Bwana Mandela ni mzima na amechangamka.
Hii ni mara ya pili kupelekwa hospitali katika mwaka mmoja.
Rais huyo wa zamani aliacha kutokeza hadharani miaka minane iliyopita.
Msemaji wa Rais Jacob Zuma wa Afrika Kusini, Mac Maharaj, alitoa maelezo kuhusu Madiba, jina la jadi la Mandela:
"Tunachotaraji ni ushirikiano wa wananchi na vyombo vya habari, kwamba tuendeshe jambo hili sawasawa.
Tutajaribu kukupeni taarifa.
Sasa ninachoweza kusema ni kwamba, kwa sababu ya faragha yake na familia yake, hatutasema yuko hospitali gani na kadhalika.
Rais Zuma ametuarifu kuwa Rais Mandela alipelekwa hospitali asubuhi.
Kwa muda mrefu Madiba amekuwa akisumbuliwa na tumbo, na madaktari waliamua linahitaji kushughulikiwa na wataalamu.
Tunamuombea afya, na kumhakikishia pendo na nia njema ya wananchi wote wa Afrika Kusini na watu katika sehemu mbali-mbali za dunia."


Friday 24 February 2012

Fully funded Scholarships are for developing countries applicants to pursue a master degree at university of Westminster,2012 UK

Study Subject(s):Courses offered by the University
Course Level:Masters
Scholarship Provider: University of Westminster
Scholarship can be taken at: UK
Eligibility:-Must be an international student from a developing country.
-Hold an offer for a full-time Masters degree.
Scholarship Open for International Students: Yes (Developing country)
Scholarship Description: These generous awards are aimed at fully funding you if you are from a developing country and will study a full-time Masters degree at the University. Particular preference will be given to you if you can demonstrate how the knowledge you acquire from your studies will aid the development of your own country.The scholarship covers full tuition fee waivers, accommodation, living expenses and flights to and from London.The criteria will be academic excellence, development potential and financial need.
How to Apply: By Post
Scholarship Application Deadline: May 31, 2012
Further Scholarship Information and Application


Thursday 23 February 2012


Sloan MSc Women’s Scholarship at London Business School, 2013 UK
London Business School offers Masters Women’s Scholarship in the field of Leadership and Strategy, 2013 UK Study Subject(s):Leadership and Strategy.. [Read Full Scholarship Detail]

The Alan Lomax Fellowship in Folklife Studies at Library of Congress, 2012 USA
Fellowship for international researchers in the field of Folklife Studies at the Library of Congress, 2012 USA Study Subject(s): Folklife.. [Read Full Scholarship Detail]

Graduate Fellowships 2012 for Master (Full time) Courses at the Petroleum Institute, UAE
Master of Science (M.Sc) and Master of Engineering (M.Eng) scholarship/ fellowship for UAE Nationals & Outstanding International Students .. [Read Full Scholarship Detail]

Canada: York University Undergraduate Scholarships for International Students 2012

Study Subject(s): Liberal Arts & Professional Studies, Environmental Studies , Fine Arts Glendon , Health Science & Engineering,  Schulich School of Business
Course Level: Undergraduate
Scholarship Provider: York University in Ontario
Scholarship can be taken at: Canada
  1. • You MUST be applying for September entry.
  2. • You MUST be an international student who is required to have a Study Permit to study in Canada.
  3. • You must be applying to the first year of a full-time undergraduate degree program in one of the following Faculties: Liberal Arts & Professional Studies, Environmental Studies, Fine Arts, Glendon, Health, Science & Engineering, Schulich School of Business.
  4. • You must possess an excellent academic record (“A” average or equivalent) and have demonstrated leadership through community service or excellence in the arts, sports or other areas of individual achievement.
  5. • You must have graduated from high school within the past two years.
  6. • Application documentation is required. See checklist on reverse.
  7. • Preference will be given to students who demonstrate financial need.
Scholarship Open for International Students: Yes
Scholarship Description: Established for international undergraduate applicants, recognizing academic excellence, leadership qualities, exceptional community service and individual achievement.The University of York offers Global Leader of Tomorrow Scholarships and International Entrance Scholarships for international students who would like to take a full-time undergraduate degree at University of York.There are a number of scholarships and bursaries available from York for international students. Funding opportunities offered through York are provided as a way to supplement your education expenses, in conjunction with your own savings.
How to Apply: Online
Scholarship Application Deadline: March 15, 2012
Further Scholarship Information and Application

Wednesday 22 February 2012

Dean’s Scholarships for International at University of East London, UK 2012 Read more: Dean’s Scholarships for International at University of East London, UK 2012 :

Scholarship Provider: University of East London
Scholarship can be taken at: UK
Eligibility:Applicants must have an offer without any further academic conditions for a one year UEL Taught Masters programme (only English Language results can be pending).
Scholarship Open for International Students: Yes

Scholarship Description: A maximum of one Dean’s Scholarship will be awarded per academic school. All applicants for Tuition Fee Scholarships will be automatically considered for a Dean’s Scholarship – there is no need to submit a separate application.
How to Apply: By electronically or Online
Scholarship Application Deadline: 13th July 2012

Further Scholarship Information and Application


Tuesday 21 February 2012


NI NINI hasa kinachomsibu Dk. Harrison Mwakyembe? Je, kuna ukweli kuhusu "kulishwa sumu" kama ilivyonenwa na Sitta? Bado utata utata unaghubika suala hili, hivi, ni serikali haitaki kuzungumzia suala hili? Ni wazi kabisa kwamba uchunguzi wa madaktari upo wazi kabisa, sasa utata unapokuja kwanini kutupiana mpira juu ya nani azungumzie suala hilo ndicho kitu pekee kinaleta wasiwasi mkubwa kwamba kuna siri nzito juu ya afya yake.


Raia wa Yemen wanaamkia katika vituo vya kupigia kura kumchagua rais wao mpya, leo Jumanne.

Wafuasi wa Abd Mansour Hadi katika kampeni
Lakini kila mtu anajua kuwa atakayeshinda ni makamu wa Rais Abd Rabbu Mansour Hadi.
Yeye ni mgombea wa pekee. Hana mpinzani.
Uchaguzi huo unafanyika baada ya mwaka mmoja wa ghasia na maandamano ya kupinga utawala wa Rais Ali Abdullah Saleh.
Kampeni zimekuwa zikiendelea kumuunga mkono makamu wa rais Abd Rabbu Mansour Hadi.
Mshindi wa tuzo ya Nobel raia wa Yemen Bi Tawwakol Karman amewataka raia wote wa Yemen kujitokeza kumuunga mkono Makamu huyo wa Rais, Bwana Hadi.
“Tunawaumba watu wote wa Yemeni wakiwemo vijana wajitokeze hii leo tarehe 21 Februari, sio kuunga mkono uchaguzi peke yake, bali kumuunga mkono Masour Hadi kuwa Rais wa mpito katika kipindi hiki cha mpito”
Huku Mshindi huyo wa Tuzo ya Nobel akimpigia debe Bwana Mansour Hadi ghasia zimeanza upya nchini Yemen.
Pia kumeripotiwa mfululizo wa milipuko na mashambulio katika vituo vya kupigia kura na sehemu nyingine.

Friday 17 February 2012

36 High Potential Scholarships Masters Program for Non-Eu / EEA International Students, Netherlands Read more: 36 High Potential Scholarships Masters Program for Non-Eu / EEA International Students, Netherlands :

Study Subject(s):Subjects taught at University
Course Level:Masters
Scholarship Provider: Maastricht University
Scholarship can be taken at: Netherlands
Applicants must come from a country outside the EU/EEA, meet the requirements for obtaining an entry visa and residence permit for the Netherlands and must have obtained excellent results in their studies. Applicants must be admissible for a master’s programme or graduate programme for professionals at Maastricht University and must not be older than 35 years at the start of the academic year (1 September 2012). They may apply simultaneously for a master’s programme and this scholarship.
Scholarship Open for International Students: Yes
Scholarship Description: Maastricht University, aiming to further strengthen its position as a leading European university offering high-quality education with an international orientation today announced that the University is inviting applications for 36 Maastricht scholarships in an effort to encourage talented students from outside the EU/EEA to pursue a master’s program at Maastricht University. One of these scholarships is the Maastricht University High Potential scholarship, which covers the full amount of tuition fees, as well as living expenses, insurance and visa costs.
How to Apply: Applications must be sent before 1 March 2012 to the faculty contact person of Maastricht University. In addition, applicants from India have to send a second digital copy of their application by e-mail to the Maastricht Education & Research Centre (MERC) in Bangalore (email: or
Scholarship Application Deadline: 1 March 2012

Thursday 16 February 2012

Hundreds killed in fire at prison in Honduras

COMAYAGUA, Honduras — Hector Daniel Martinez was asleep in a small metal bed, one of dozens stacked so high in a narrow barrack that they nearly touched the roof, when the flames started.
The fire raced above his head. The prisoners screamed.
"Rescue!" they cried. "Help!"
Martinez, 32 and a homicide suspect, ran toward the barrack's single entrance. The door was locked. Most of the other 135 prisoners in the room ran toward the other end, where there was a bathroom with water and sinks.

Wednesday 15 February 2012

Waume walalamikia kipigo Kenya

Februari tarehe kumi na nne ni siku ya wapendanao au Valentine, lakini siku hii ikiadhimishwa kote duniani kwa raha, baadhi ya waume nchini kenya hawaifurahi kwani wanapigwa na kunyanyaswa na wake zao.
 Kulingana na mwenyekiti wa chama cha kutetea haki za wanaume nchini humo Nderitu Njogu, idadi ya wanaume wanaopigwa na wake zao imeongezeka mno.
Bw Nderitu anasema utafiti wa chama chake umeonyesha kuwa harakati za kumpa uwezo mwanamke zimeathiri maadili na kuwasabibisha kuwadharau wanaume.
Mwanaharakati huyo anadai kuwa tatizo hilo limechochewa zaidi na hali ya kuwa wanawake wengi sasa wana kipato kikubwa kuliko waume zao.
Mwishoni mwa wiki Polisi walimtia mbaroni mwanamke mmoja mjini Nyeri huko mkoa wa kati, baada ya kumshambulia mumewe na kumjeruhi vibaya kwa panga.
Mwanamume huyo bado anapokea matibabu hospitalini baada ya kukatwa katwa usoni. uchunguzi kuhusu tukio hilo bado unaendelea.
Bw Nderitu anadai kuwa zaidi ya wanaume 460,000 walinyanyaswa na wake zao mwaka jana. Anasema utafiti wa shirika lake unaonyesha kesi nyingi za waume kuteswa na wake zao zinaripotiwa katika mkoa wa kati.
"Siku hii ya Valentine na washauri wanaume wasikubali kudhalalishwa na wake zao, kwa kufanya matumizi makubwa kuliko na wanayoweza kumudu" alisema Bw Nderitu.


Walimwengu walisema ukistaajabu ya Musa utaona ya Firauni, wakati madaktari wametingwa kudai chao huku mtaani kulikuwa na mtu akifanya kazi kwa ujuzi wa "kitaa" hapa katika picha daktari akimtoa jino mgonjwa.
Ukishacheka basi jiulize kwenda kutoa jino kwa huyu mtu ni kujitoa mhanga?
Madaktari wana umuhimu wao jama!!!!
~picture-just for funny no clear definition of what is

Monday 13 February 2012


Upo usemi miongoni mwa wananchi wa mkoa wa Iringa kuwa kifo alichokufa babu yao Mkwawa kilikuwa ni cha kishujaa! Kujiua ni ujasiri?

Hivi ndivyo mzimu huo  umeendelea kufanya kazi baada ya kijana Raphael Steven (20) mkazi wa Mwangata Iringa kujinyonga kwa kutumia khanga ya mama yake chumbani kwa mamaye. Kijana Raphael Steven aliyekuwa akisajili laini za tigo imenenwa kuwa enzi za uhai wake hakuwa na makuu na mtu na ni kijana aliyependwa na majirani. Wakiongea na kituo cha redio cha Ebony FM mama wa marehemu na bibi wa marehemu wadai kusikitishwa na kifo hicho na kueleza kuwa hawajaelewa hasa nini chanzo cha kijana wao kujiua.

(tunaomba radhi kwa picha hizi)
Kijana Raphael akiwa katika sura ya ""ujasiri"  inasikitisha sana

 Baadhi ya mashuhuda na waandishi wa habari wakichukua picha za marehemu
 Ujumbe ulioachwa na marehemu
Raphael (kushoto) enzi za uhai wake.
(picha zote na Francis Godwin)

Kwa mujibu  wa mtandao wa mashuhuda wa tukio hilo walidai kuwa kijana huyo mchana wa jana alionekana mtaani akiwa na mawazo tele na hakuwaa na muda wa kuzungumza na mtu kama siku za mwanzo .

Hata hivyo mashuhuda hao walisema kuwa kwa siku ya jana kijana huyo alionekana katika ukumbi mmoja wa starehe na kuzuiwa kuingia katika ukumbi huo baada ya kukosa kadi ya mwaliko .

Zipo habari zinazodai kuwa kijana huyo amekufa kifo kama kile cha baba yake mzazi aliyekufa kwa kujinyonga mwaka 2002 kwa wakati huo walikuwa wakiishi eneo la Isoka mjini Iringa.

Mtandao wa umebaini kukuta ujumbe wa maandishi ambao marehemu huyo alipata kuuacha kabla ya kifo chake katika meza ya chumba chake na katika ujumbe huo amepata kuacha maneno mazito yakiwemo ya kutaka asisumbuliwe mtu yeyote kwa kifo chake na kuwa kuwaaga baadhi ya marafiki na mpenzi wake mmoja pamoja na mama yake mzazi na kudai kuwa maisha ya Dunia Jembe lenu natangulia nilikotokea.

"Asisumbuliwe mtu kwa kifo changu na na kutaja majina ya rafiki zake na mpenzi wake (ambayo yamehifadhiwa huku akimalizika na neno .Respect..Don't Cry Momy and Rukia!!...Pole mama nimeamua kumfuata baba angu!!" ulisomeka ujumbe huo ambao ameacha marehemu

Friday 10 February 2012


This page provides scholarship information for developing countries students who are in need of scholarship to study at home and abroad. A scholarship programme is often created to reward students who have worked hard in their career path. Every year prospective students from developing countries dream of studying at home and overseas for shaping their career perfectly. These scholarships in different fields provide motivation to students residing in developing countries for pursuing their education further, so that financial inadequacy does not become a reason for discontinuing their education.
Lots of international universities, governments and other organization offer scholarships for developing countries students who show exceptional academic potential and would like to start their studies in any field at home and abroad.
We have compiled a scholarships list for developing countries students in which some scholarship are fully funded and some scholarships are partially funded. These scholarships are offered to undergraduate, graduate, masters and doctoral, Postdoctoral programme for developing countries students.

Thursday 9 February 2012


Je, Unajua ni vipi shule zimefanya katika mitihani iliyopita? Je, kwa maoni yako unafikiri rais atayazungumziaje matokeo haya, wajua ni namna gani mtoto wake amefanya katika mtihani huo? Kwa nyepesi zenye uhakika ni kwamba ni yeye tu ALIYEFAULU shuleni kwao FEZA GIRLS, chambua kwa makini matokeo haya kisha kama yamekugusa toa maoni yako!


Angalia link hizi

Wednesday 8 February 2012


Tumesubiri kwa hamu sasa haya hapa

"Aliyefufuka" Afrika Kusini ni tapeli

Mtu aliyedai kuwa ni mwanamuziki mashuhuri aliyekufa na kufufuka Afrika Kusini ameshtakiwa kwa udanganyifu, polisi wamesema.
Mtu huyo alisema yeye ni Khulekani "Mgqumeni" Khumalo - mwanamuziki maarufu wa miondoko ya Kizulu ambaye alifariki mwaka 2009. Amedai kuwa alitekwa nyara na mchawi ambaye alimfanyia mazingara na kumfungia katika pango na mizuka wengine, vimeripoti vyombo vya habari vya Afrika Kusini.
Lakini polisi wamesema alama za vidole vya mtu huyo vimeonesha sio mwanamuziki anayedai kuwa, bali jina lake halisi ni Sibusiso John Gcabashe, mwenye umri wa miaka 28.
"Kufufuka" kwa Khumalo kulizua tafrani na mashabiki wake kumiminika nyumbani kwake mwishoni mwa wiki, kiasi cha polisi wa kutuliza ghasia kuitwa na kutumia maji yenye nguvu kudhibiti umati wa watu.
Mtu huyo aliyejidai "amefufuka" amefikishwa katika mahakama ya mwanzo ya Nquthu iliyopo Kwazulu-Natal siku ya Jumanne ambapo ameshtakiwa kwa kosa la udanganyifu. Hakutakiwa kujibu lolote, amesema msemaji wa polisi Kanali Jay Naicker.
Amesalia rumande hadi Februari 14 ambapo ataruhusiwa kuomba dhamana na pia kusikia kama anakiri au kukana mashtaka yake.
Familia ya marehemu Khumalo ilionekana kugawanyika kuhusiana hasa na utambulisho kamili wa mtu huyo, huku wake zake wawili wakisema ni yeye, lakini rafiki wa zamani wa kike wa mwanamuziki huyo, Zehlise Xulu, akisisitiza kuwa sio mwenyewe.
Bi Xulu ambaye alizaa naye mtoto wa kiume ambaye ana umri wa miaka 10 sasa, amesema ana matumaini kuwa mtu huyo atakutwa na hatia na kufungwa jela kwa miaka mingi kutokana na "kurejesha majonzi ya zamani".
"Mwanangu alisafiri hadi Johannesburg akiwa na matumaini ya kumuona baba yake, badala yake alikuta mtu mwenyewe ni mhuni tu," amesema Bi Xulu akikaririwa na gazeti la Mercury.
"Nilikasirishwa sana kila mara alipokuwa akiniita mpenzi wake," amesema.
Imani za uchawi ni jambo la kawaida Afrika Kusini, hasa maeneo ya vijijini.

Monday 6 February 2012

25 China UNESCO Fellowships for International Students in China 2012 Read more: 25 China UNESCO Fellowships for International Students in China 2012

The fellowships, tenable at a selected number of Chinese universities, are of one year duration. These fellowships, which are in most cases to be conducted in English, are offered to senior advanced students wishing to pursue higher studies or intending to undertake individual research with periodic guidance from the assigned supervisor. In exceptional cases, candidates may be required to study the Chinese language before taking up research/study in their fields of interest.
Study Subject(s):Any Applicants can choose one academic program and three institutions as their preferences from the Chinese HEIs designated by MOE)
Course Level: Fellowships for advanced studies at undergraduate and postgraduate levels.
Scholarship Provider: Chinese Government and UNESCO
Scholarship can be taken at: China
Qualifications Required
(i.) Hold at least the equivalent of the Master’s Degree/above or the Bachelor’s Degree; 
(ii.) English proficiency is required; 
(iii.) Be not more than 45 years of age; and 
(iv.) Be in good health, both physically and mentally. 

Scholarship Open for International Students: Yes
Scholarship Description: China/UNESCO — the Great Wall Fellowship program is a full scholarship program set up by the Ministry of Education of P. R. China (hereinafter referred to as MOE) for candidates recommended by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). MOE entrusts China Scholarship Council (hereinafter referred to as CSC) to manage the recruitment and carry out the routine management of this scholarship program.
How to Apply: By Post
Scholarship Application Deadline: April 30th, 2012

Friday 3 February 2012


Job page has been loaded with many vacancies! This might be a good chance for you to win your dream career.
 Check out in JOBS/KAZI page for more information. Cheers!

Chinese Government Fully and Partially Funded Scholarships for International Students 2012 Read more: Chinese Government Fully and Partially Funded Scholarships for International Students 2012

Study Subject(s):Various
Course Level:Undergraduate, Masters, PhD, Senior Scholar, General Scholar
Scholarship Provider: Chinese Government
Scholarship can be taken at: China
Applicants must be non-Chinese citizens and be in good health.
2. Education background and age limit:
- Applicants for undergraduate program must have senior high school diploma with good academic performance and be under the age of 25.
- Applicants for master’s degree program must have bachelor’s degree and be under the age of 35.
- Applicants for doctoral degree program must have master’s degree and be under the age of 40
. – Applicants for Chinese language training program must have senior high school diploma and be under the age of 35.Chinese language is the only subject available.
- Applicants for general scholar program must have completed at least two years of undergraduate study and be under the age of 45. All subjects including Chinese language are available.
- Applicants for senior scholar program must have master’s degree or above, or hold academic titles of associate professor or above, and be under the age of 50.
Scholarship Open for International Students: Yes
Scholarship Description: Chinese Government Scholarship Program is established by the Ministry of Education of P.R. China (hereinafter referred to as MOE) in accordance with educational exchange agreements or understandings reached between the Chinese government and the governments of other countries, organizations, education institutions and relevant international organizations to provide both full scholarships and partial scholarships to international students and scholars. MOE entrusts China Scholarship Council (hereinafter referred to as CSC) to manage the recruitment and carry out the routine management of Chinese Government Scholarship Program.
How to Apply: By Post