Study Subject(s): Research proposals for UNU-IAS PhD Fellowships should therefore relate clearly to one of the current research areas of the Institute, as well as aim to be policy relevant. Research proposals are invited in Science and Technology for Sustainable Societies, Sustainable Urban Futures, Biodiplomacy Initiative, Sustainable Development Governance, Traditional Knowledge Initiative and Marine/Coastal Governance and Urban Biodiversity (UNU-IAS OUIK).
Course Level: This fellowship is for pursuing PhD level.
Scholarship Provider: United Nations University Institute of Advanced Studies
Scholarship can be taken at: Japan
Eligibility: -Applicants must be at the dissertation writing stage of their PhD with a research proposal accepted by the candidate’s university.
-Language proficiency in English is essential.
-Applicants from developing countries and women are particularly encouraged to apply.
-UNU-IAS Ph.D. Fellowships are awarded for a period of 12 months.
-Fellows are provided with their own desk in a dedicated study room in the Institute, administrative support and desktop computing.
-Fellows have access to the UNU Library in Tokyo which includes an excellent collection of UN documents. They also have access via the UNU Library to various Japanese university libraries and computer databases.
-A limited range of other, more specialised computer hardware and software may also be available.
-Fellows carry out their research in Yokohama under the supervision of a UNU-IAS faculty member.
-Fellows will spend about half of their working hours on their dissertation and the remaining half assisting the Institute’s projects and activities.
Scholarship Open for Students of Following Countries: Applicants from developing countries and women are particularly encouraged to apply.
Scholarship Description: UNU-IAS offers PhD Fellowships to candidates in the last stages of their dissertation process to broaden
Number of awards offered: One or two PhD Fellowships are awarded each year.
Duration of award(s): It is applicable for a period of 12 months, starting in September.
What does it cover? The fellowship provides a monthly stipend of JPY260,000 from which a monthly usage charge for accommodation is deducted (see below). A one-time-only settle-in-allowance of JPY 80,000 will be granted to each Fellow at the beginning of the programme for relocation, adjustment expenses, ground transportation and incidental costs. UNU-IAS provides Fellows with a return air ticket between his/her country of residence and Narita Airport. Settle-in-allowance and air tickets are, however, not provided for Fellows already residing in Japan before the commencement of the fellowship. Ph.D. Fellows will be provided with accommodation by UNU-IAS. Usage charges other than utilities (electricity, water, gas, telephone, etc.) are as follows: Single room apartment (for one person) JPY80,000 or more per month Twin room apartment (for couples) JPY130,000 or more per month.
Selection Criteria: Applicants are evaluated on the following criteria: (i) The research objectives of the applicant and the quality of the research proposal; (ii) the relevance of the research proposal to the ongoing or planned research activities of the applicant’s selected Research Programme at UNU-IAS; (iii) the applicant’s academic merit and the potential for successful research while at UNU-IAS.
Notification: Not Known
How to Apply: Interested and eligible candidates are invited to complete the online-application form. If applicants do not have access to the Internet, please contact the University. The online form and the required documents indicated in the form must be in English. If the supporting document is in another language, please also attach an English translation.
Scholarship Application Deadline: The deadline for applications for the 2013 Fellowships is 28th February 2013.
Further Scholarship Information and Application
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