Study Subject(s): For Africa: The scholarship is offered for study related to Sustainable Economic Development with preference given to study in sectors of: Agriculture development and Geothermal development.
For China: Applications for Doctorate study will only be considered where particularly strong development relevance and alignment to China’s priority training needs are demonstrated.The priority sector: Agricultural sciences, agricultural economics, agricultural trade, Veterinary science related to rural development, other applied sciences or technology related to rural development, Biosecurity, quarantine, sanitary and phytosanitary standards, plant and animal health, Food safety, food quality and food technology, Rural health services, environmental health, sanitation and waste management, Rural basic education, Community development, Environmental science, environmental studies, sustainable management of natural resources, Tourism management, eco-tourism, Small business development.
For Mongolia and Nepal: Sustainable rural livelihoods, Basic education, Primary health, Governance, Trade and development, Conflict prevention and peace building, Development studies.
For Latin American and Caribbean: scholarships will be offered at postgraduate level for study related to Sustainable Economic Development with preference given to study in sectors of: Agricultural development and Geothermal development.
Course Level: For Africa: New Zealand Development Scholarships are awarded for full-time, postgraduate level study (i.e. Postgraduate Diplomas and Masters degrees) in New Zealand.
For China, Mongolia and Nepal: These scholarships are for full-time postgraduate study at one of ten New Zealand education institutions. For Latin American and Caribbean: The scholarships are offered for full-time, postgraduate study at the Postgraduate Diploma, Masters or Doctorate (PhD) levels. Study at PhD level will only be considered where particularly strong development relevance is demonstrated.
Scholarship Provider: The New Zealand Development Scholarships are funded by the New Zealand Aid Programme, the New Zealand Government’s overseas aid and development programme. They are managed by the New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT).
Scholarship can be taken at: New Zealand
Eligibility: General eligibility criteria: Applicants must meet the following New Zealand Development Scholarships eligibility criteria before their application will be considered against the selection criteria, including any region-specific criteria. Applicants are expected to continue residing in their home country during the Scholarship application and selection process. To be eligible, you must:
-be a citizen of an New Zealand Development Scholarships participating country (permanent residents are not eligible to apply)
-be residing in your country of citizenship, preferably for at least two years prior to application
-not have citizenship or permanent residence status of New Zealand, Australia, or another developed country. * A developed country is defined as a country not included on the OECD’s Development Assistance Committee’s list of aid recipients.
-not be married or engaged to be married to a person who holds, or who is eligible to hold, citizenship or permanent residence of New Zealand, Australia or another developed country
-be aged 17 or over before the scholarship start date
-be applying to commence a new qualification and not be seeking funding for a qualification already in progress in New Zealand or another country
-not have completed, or nearly completed, a qualification at a similar level (i.e. applicants must apply for a higher level qualification than any previously attained), unless strong developmental relevance is demonstrated
-satisfy the admission requirements of the New Zealand education institution at which the qualification is to be undertaken, including English language criteria
-have been working in your home country since completing their highest tertiary qualification gained to date, preferably for at least
-be able to demonstrate a strong commitment to the relevant sector in your home country, and to your country’s development in general
-be able to take up the scholarship in the academic year for which it is offered.
-Students will not be funded to continue a qualification they have started outside their home country. The funding of qualifications being studied in the home country by self-sponsored, part-time students will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
You are not eligible if you:
-are studying full-time at post-secondary level
-are transferring from another tertiary scholarship (either in New Zealand or in another country) to a New Zealand Development Scholarship
-hold, or have held, a New Zealand Government or Australian Government scholarship in the 24 months preceding the scholarship start date, or have been terminated from a New Zealand or Australian Government scholarship previously.
If offered a scholarship, you must:
-be able to satisfy Immigration New Zealand requirements for international student entry to New Zealand (i.e. medical checks, police clearances/character checks, etc.)
-not hold another scholarship during the period of the New Zealand Development Scholarship
-agree in writing that you will return to their home country for a minimum period of two years following completion of their scholarship in order to contribute to their country’s social or economic development.
English language requirements: New Zealand tertiary education institutions set their own admission requirements for English language proficiency. All applicants should check the IELTS (International English Language Testing System, academic stream) or TOEFL (Testing of English as a Foreign Language) score required for admission to their selected New Zealand education institution. As a guide, most New Zealand education institutions require a minimum IELTS score of 6.5, with no band less than 6.0, for postgraduate level study. Some postgraduate qualifications may require a higher score. Candidates must provide the original copy of their IELTS or TOEFL exam result as a pre-condition of placement. Results must be no older than 24 months at the time of the scholarship start date. Candidates who show particularly strong developmental relevance and applicability may be able to receive three months’ English language training in New Zealand prior to starting their main academic qualification. Candidates with IELTS of 6.0 overall, with no band less than 5.5, should therefore still consider applying.
Scholarship Open for Students of Following Countries: Applications for New Zealand Development Scholarships are welcome from the following countries. Africa: Kenya, South Africa, Botswana, Ethiopia, Kenya, Lesotho, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, Tanzania, South Africa, Swaziland, Zambia and Zimbabwe. Asia: China, Mongolia and Nepal Latin America: Argentina, Barbados, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, Jamaica, Nicaragua, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru, Trinidad & Tobago, Uruguay and Venezuela.
Scholarship Description: The New Zealand Development Scholarships are funded by the New Zealand Aid Programme, the New Zealand Government’s overseas aid and development programme. They are managed by the New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT). The purpose of the scholarships is for candidates to gain knowledge and skills through post-graduate study in specific subject areas which will assist in the development of their home country. Awardees are required to return to their home country for at least two years after the completion of their scholarship to apply these new skills and knowledge in government, civil society, or private business organisations.
Terms and conditions: All applicants who are offered a New Zealand Development Scholarships will be required to sign a contract with the New Zealand Government declaring they will comply with the terms and conditions of the scholarship. All awardees are required to return to their home country for a minimum period of two years following completion of their scholarship in order to contribute to their country’s economic and social development.
Number of award(s): Up to 14 New Zealand Development Scholarships are available to citizens of the Latin American and Caribbean. Up to four New Zealand Development Scholarships are offered to students from nine provinces (Guizhou, Yunnan, Guangxi, Sichuan, Qinghai, Gansu, Ningxia, Xinjiang or Tibet) in China. Up to 2 scholarships are offered to applicants from Mongolia. Up to 3 scholarships are offered to applicants from Nepal.
Duration of award(s): The scholarship is offered for the whole duration of the programme.
What does it cover? New Zealand has first-rate education institutions that offer world-recognised qualifications. Successful applicants will have access to excellent academic knowledge in quality facilities.The scholarships include financial support for tuition, living costs while in New Zealand, and airfares. The partners of students are eligible for a work visa that allows them to live and work in New Zealand for the duration of their partner’s study.
Selection Criteria:New Zealand Development Scholarships will be awarded in the priority sectors requiring human resource capacity enhancement in the southern and eastern Africa region. In addition to the eligibility criteria above, candidates’ applications will be considered against the following selection criteria:
-the proposed study programme links to one of the identified priority development sectors for Africa (see page 1);
-the applicant clearly demonstrates the developmental relevance and applicability of their proposed study programme to the human resource development training needs of their country;
-applicants for postgraduate study must hold a recognised Bachelors degree of strong academic merit, relevant to the proposed postgraduate qualification. (Note: The New Zealand Aid Programme gives preference to candidates who do not already hold a degree from a developed country);
-the applicant clearly demonstrates their links and commitment to their home country (e.g. services to their community, ability to influence change in a key development sector, etc), supported by references. The proposed study programme must be relevant to:
-recent paid and/or unpaid (volunteer) work experience ;
-the training needs of the employing organisation; and
-identified employment opportunities on completion of their study;
-consideration of gender equity, including efforts to ensure the scholarships are offered equitably between male and female candidates; and
-consideration of other factors which will contribute to the success of their studies (e.g. good character, positive study attitude and motivation to succeed.
Notification: The New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade will advise the institution of the outcome by late September.
The education institution will inform successful candidates by late September, and then assist them with their travel arrangements to New Zealand.
How to Apply: NZDS candidates apply directly to one of the participating New Zealand education institutions after ensuring that they meet the NZDS eligibility criteria. The education institution distributes and receives NZDS application forms. In order for the application to be considered, applicants must:
-Complete an NZDS application form (also available from a New Zealand Embassy, or New Zealand education institutions);
-Applications must reach the relevant New Zealand education institute by their closing dates, which vary between 30 April and 1 June 2013.
-Applicants who meet the institution’s admission criteria will have their application sent on to the New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, which the New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade will consider all submitted New Zealand Development Scholarships applications for selection.
-Some candidates may be interviewed as part of the selection process.
Scholarship Application Deadline: Applicants must ensure that the institution receives the completed NZDS application form (including all supporting documentation) before the institution’s closing date which varies between 30th April and 1 June 2013.
The list of New Zealand education institutions.
Further Official Scholarship Information and Application
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