Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Expression of Interest~Provision of Technical and Facilitation Consultancy Services for Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Sub Projects Tanzania

PROJECT : Water Sector Development Programme (WSDP) 

TITLE : Provision of Technical and Facilitation Consultancy Services for Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Sub Projects 

Project ID: P087154
Borrower/Bid No: R756

The Morogoro District Council has received funds from the Government of the United Republic of Tanzania and Development Partners for implementation of the Water Sector Development Program (WSDP). It is intended that part of the funds will be applied to cover eligible payments under the contract for provision of Technical and Facilitation Consultancy Services for Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Sub Projects in Morogoro District Council.

The consultant shall provide both Technical and Facilitation Services. The main objectives of the consultancy under the Technical Service Provision are to (i) Assist the District Water and Sanitation Team (DWST) to prepare or update the District Water Supply and Sanitation Plan (DWSP), (ii) Carry out an assessment and scoping study of Rural Water Supply and Sanitation (RWSS) situation of earmarked sub projects in the Districts, (iii) Prepare detailed designs and cost estimates of the selected communities WSS sub projects, (iv) Propose optimal packages for contracting the works and prepare tender documents for their implementation, (v) Assist the DWST in the tendering process, (vi) Carry out construction supervision of the packaged contracts, (vii) Carry out promotion of Rain Water Harvesting using roof top catchments. Under Facilitation Service Provision, the objectives are: (i) Advise communities on technical feasibility and Operation and Maintenance requirements of the planned facilities, (ii) Assist communities to plan, construct, operate and maintain their water supply and sanitation facilities, (iii) Provide focused sanitation and hygiene education to help them take advantage of the water supply facilities to improve their health, (iv) Assist the communities to undertake a major role in the planning, design and construction process, (v) Ensure as far as possible that communities get the type of facilities that best respond to their needs and are within their physical and financial ability to operate and maintain, (vi) Facilitate the communities towards contribution of capital and operation and maintenance costs, (vii)Train communities to monitor implementation progress, (viii) Assist communities to establish legal Water User Entities, and (ix) Sensitize communities on roof top Rain Water Harvesting.

It is anticipated that the assignment will mainly require expert inputs of a Water Supply and Sanitation Engineer (Team Leader), Hydrogeologist, Hydrologist, Procurement Specialist, Water Supply Engineer (Resident Engineer), Sociologist, Hygiene and Sanitation Promotion Assistant, Civil Engineering Technician, Hydrogeology Technician and Community Development Assistant. 

Morogoro District Council now invite interested eligible consultants to indicate their interest in providing the services. Interested consultants must provide information indicating that they are qualified to perform the services by indicating their professional capability and experience. As a minimum, this should include a profile of the consulting firm, a list of similar assignments in similar conditions undertaken in the last five years including the financial magnitude of the assignments including their timing, the names of the professionals who executed the assignments and the names of the clients, and availability of appropriate skills among staff.

Each interested Consultant may associate with other consultants to enhance their qualifications and capacity. The association may take the form of either a joint venture with all partners being jointly and severely liable for the execution of the contract in accordance with the contract terms or a sub-consultant. If any one of the consultants submits an expression of interest with intention of associating in the form of a joint venture with more than one partner in a separate submission in a particular lot, that submission and all other submissions bearing the name of the consultants shall not be considered for shortlisting. 

Consultants will be selected in accordance with procedures specified in the World Bank's Procurement Guidelines: " Selection and Employment of Consultants by World Bank Borrowers" dated May 2004; Revised October 2006. The selection process shall be separately carried out by respective Local Government Authorities.

This is not a request for proposals. After review of the letters of expression of interest, a shortlist will be prepared and those short-listed consultants will be invited to submit their proposals (technical and financial) through a letter of invitation including the terms of reference for the consultancy.

Interested national and international consultants may obtain additional information from the offices of the District Executive Director. The address of the LGA, is indicated below:

Morogoro District Council, P.O Box 1880, Morogoro, Tel: 023-2613185, Fax: 023-2613116

The deadline for the submission of expression of interest is 10.00 hours local time on Tuesday November, 27, 2012. Each Expression of Interest must be submitted to Morogoro DC by using the above mentioned address clearly marked the expression of interest for Provision of Technical and Facilitation Consultancy Services for Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Sub Projects in the Morogoro District Council

Interested Consultants desiring further information on the selection process may also contact:

The District Executive Director 
P.O Box 1880
Morogoro, Tanzania
Tel: 023 2613185
Fax: 023 2613116

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